Rhino Population
1900: 500,000
1970: 65,000
2016: 25,000
2030: Maybe 0?
Poaching Problem
Illegally entering into private property to kill animals.
Poaching of Rhinos
Some people think that the rhino horn can cure diseases, and they use it in traditional Asian medicines for example.
Also, the rhino horn is bought and used as a symbol of wealth and status in Yemen, Vietnam and other countries where they use the rhino horn to make handles for daggers called jambiyas.
To learn more about why people illegally trade rhino horns and what they are used for read "Rhino Horn Use: Fact vs. Fiction" by PBS.

World Wildlife Fund
What does "poaching" mean to our rhinos?
By clicking on this link you will be able to see what poaching looks like. Warning! -This is not good for kids to see; it is very graphic, so please use discretion.