Rhinos are in CRITICAL danger of extinction! If we don't change their situation, when I am 18 years old, rhinos will be all gone.
They have only one baby at a time, and their gestation lasts about 18 months. This makes it difficult to reproduce very fast!
Babies need to stay with their mommies for 2-3 years before they live on their own.
Rhinos are the biggest mammals on the planet after the elephants.
Rhinos are very important for the ecosystem. For example, the white rhinos help shape the habitat by increasing plant diversity and making feeding spots for other animals.
For more information on this topic, click here.

Javan Rhino
Lives only in Java, Indonesia
There are none in captivity
Only about 40 live today
Folded skin that looks like armored plates
One horn (some females have none)
Up to 5000 lbs and 6 ft tall

Indian Rhino
Lives in India and Nepal
Also called the "greater one-horned" rhinoceros
Only about 2500 live today
Very thick brown skin with soft pink folds that separate the plates
One horn that grows to 25 centimeters
Live about 45 years
Up to 4600 lbs and 6.3 ft tall

Sumatran Rhino
Lives in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia
Fewer than 100 live today
Coverred with long hair
Only Asian rhino with 2 horns
Smallest rhino specie; up to 2100 lbs and 5 ft tall

White Rhino
Lives in Africa
Got their name from their wide mouth
About 20,000 live today
Skin is grey or brown
Flat and very wide upper lip
Eats grass from the ground
Their horn can grow up to 1,5 meters
Lives up to 50 years in the wild
Up to 5100 lbs and 6.1 ft tall

Black Rhino
Lives in Africa
Also known as the "hooked-lipped" rhino
Only about 4,800 live today
Skin is not black in color!
Long upper lip that looks like a hook used to pull leaves and fruits from trees and bushes
Lives about 32 years in the wild
Up to 3100 lbs and 5.9 ft tall
The rhino horn is made of keratin, the same stuff our hair and nails are made of
Rhinos are very fast and can easily change directions while running
All rhinos are strict vegetarians
They can sleep standing up or laying down
Rhinos are kind and gentle while interacting with each other
They are very territorrial
They have great hearing and smelling